Brice and John had been meeting together to study the Bible. And yesterday John became a believer! We'd love to share you the whole story in person when next we see you. John is our campus maintenance man. He knows so many here in the area and we ask your prayers for his impact for the Kingdom here.
When Brice and John started meeting in the early morning, the first time they met Brice said to turn to Genesis and John had no clue where to turn. This past week Brice said 1 Peter and John quickly turned there and Brice looked at him in astonishment and John said, "I want to know the Bible and be able to get their quickly like you do." And after awhile he said, "I want to be a new creation.!" Before we could even announce to the rest of the staff and students about the baptism, most already knew because John was so excited to tell everyone.
Our new brother
Then, we all swam to the cross island. For some it was our first time! Paxson, Claudette, and several students got floated over but can now say they have been there.
John and Becky went cliff diving off another island there. When asked if it was okay to jump the 20 feet, John replied, "It's good now, I've been baptized."
And then to top it off our preschoolers went on their 1st field trip! Sweet friends sent us money to get t-shirts for the kids.
Here we are headed into make some pizza!
It got so hot by the ovens one child puked. Thankful new helper Miss Marisa does not mind anything:)
What a great day.
To see the baptism video below, please go to this site and praise God!