Zaronique came into our lives 2 years ago and changed us so much. She opened our eyes to adoption, to moms who loved their kids but couldn't and wouldn't leave their addictions, and to praying for someone daily even when you may never see them again. We thought ZoZo and her sister could be adopted by us and as time went by and we realized they would remain in permanent foster care. So her name sign from preschool hangs on our wall to pray for her as she grows each day for God to protect her from evil, to comfort her and show her love, and to grow her to love Him. We haven't forgotten her and continue to pray for her.
And from our love for Zaronique we began praying for a girl to come so we could adopt. We honestly thought it would have to be a knock on the door like Zaronique to know if she was for our family since we see lots of need here and children who need families.
Alicia was that knock. Her mom told us she did not want her and we could have her. She asked if we could protect her from the birth father and his addictions. Without following any rules of having her signed over to us legally, we brought her into our home. In 48 hours she was calling us mom and dad and asking why her picture was not on the baby picture wall with our other kids.
She got to start school for the first time. She brushed her teeth for the first time. And she got her first bath, which she first threw her clothes in to wash them as she was used to doing her own laundry.
And then her mom called as the father wanted her. She would not sign the papers. We prayed that even if Alicia can't be adopted that she could live with us and learn about God and go to school and grow while we are here. But we knew legally we had to take her back. Brice carried her screaming up the stairs and her throwing up as he handed her back, but all we could do was cry and pray too. Then, her father took her away.
We miss this smile. We love this girl and Zaronique and we promise to never stop praying for them.
Naiyah drew this as she asks each day if her sister is coming back. I'm thankful our kids got to know these sweet girls and pray that God continues to grow them as His girls whoever they are with.