Our e-mail has been flooded with caring messages of individuals warning us of safety from the Zika virus. If you don't know much about it, the danger isn't much unless you are pregnant. That's me!
Honestly we have never much thought about risks in different places. It's always been God has us in this place and we are here. No questions. So when Naiyah got malaria as a baby in Haiti, we never questioned moving back. We fully realize every place has things you deal with.
Now, this time we have prayed so much again. We both have found ourselves checking the internet late at night (not wanting to scare the other) as to what exactly causes the brain development problems in babies in the womb if they get the Zika virus. We got rid of all standing water on the property that harbors mosquitos. We wear bug spray when I haven't in the last 6 years. We find ourselves constantly pulling out our ultrasound pictures to measure our baby's brain to see if it may have the microcephaly.
I can't imagine if our baby has this, but know we would love it still. But the thought that our baby could get it and die during birth does scare me. For us, we just keep praying. And know that what God brings us to, He will carry us through too.
Friday, January 29, 2016
Monday, January 18, 2016
Grand Re-Opening
So much went on the past 2 weeks! School started back at WISE. We had a few disappointing times and also such joyous times! If you miss our newsletter, here explains what happened with most of our students:
This week we received disheartening news. When one of our students from Dominica tried to travel to Barbados, they were denied due to the school’s registration status with the country.
Previously we thought we would be able to have out of country students move in and start their classes. However, we will have to continue to wait patiently on the government to approve our registration in order to have students from other islands move in. All classes will still begin on Mondayand will be open to any Barbadian students, both on-campus and evening classes.
Although a bit disappointed, we continue to trust that the Lord’s plan is perfect and look forward to seeing our other students move in soon. The Lord has been faithful to us in this move and we know He will be faithful throughout this process as we continue to wait on the government here.
Please pray for patience, for the registration to be completed and for classes to start off well with our Barbadian students. Would you also join us in praying for our students who are ready to be here but aren’t able to be? Thank you for your prayers the past year. We are excited to begin a New Year and new chapter in Barbados!
On a different note, we had a wonderful opening with dedications
Banquets and many special guests coming
Dear friend and brother Lance was in to challenge and encourage us to do the Lord's work!
Brother Andy joined our staff from OCC
And Bro Pearson joined our staff from Barbados!
God's doing so much! Our current students say they are learning so much from this dedicated staff! We're thankful God brought them! We were so thankful to have several board member families here to continue to work and pray for and with us!
After the team and opening here and all the guests left, the water went out..thankfully it was fixed. Long story short our pastor's wife's brother called the newspaper and told them that they were reporting the water authority for wasting so much water from the leak that had been going on near our property for 2 months that was washing out the road. What do you know, except they fixed the leak and restored the water the next day:)
Then, today a man the police had been looking for was spotted on the campus. He ran before we could catch him into the cane fields by us. We called the police, but 8 hours later they still have not shown, though they said they really hoped to catch the guy!
Well, that's enough adventure for today!
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