We feel so incredibly thankful to God for our little blessing! We are enjoying baby time! Kensington (from our favorite place Brice and I visited) Caroline (named from my great-grandmother) is such a sweet baby. She has already traveled over 3,000 miles in her first 3 weeks of life and never once complains or fusses. She is for sure our little missions traveler!
She was 3 weeks early and had a few things the doctors were concerned about, but keeps progressing and getting better. We received her social security card and birth certificate, so now just waiting for her passport to be able to travel back to Barbados.
For our family we always somehow have to keep things hopping. Brice tore his knee in a basketball game with 20year olds (I did warn him we aren't that young anymore before), so we have had his appointments. Then, Kensington had an extra hospital stay and some ongoing tests with her hip and heart the doctor is keeping an eye on that usually clears up in a few months.
We visited a few churches, camps, and mission teams in the area. Now we head to the NACC and then to several churches on the West Coast. Brice vetoed my camping in tents to California with a newborn, but we'll make it there! And then we head back on the plane home.
We still covet your prayers for future staff, the accreditation process, and students applying to come.
And we are so very thankful for the couples that taught at WISE this summer and watched over the campus!