Monday, November 13, 2017

Things that made me tear up......

     Yes, I am highly emotional and cry at the drop of the hat with post-pregnancy hormones.  But, some very neat things this month made me tear up this month:

- Our 3 students from Dominica lost their homes and all their belongings from the hurricane last month.  And yet these boys give so much of their lives to love here.  They have carried on with strength only from God.  They continually think of their families struggling to find shelter and food back home and yet they live each day with such joy as they study to go back to love others to the Lord in 2 years.  One of the students has a young son my youngest son's age and he has patiently helped my son build bird traps to catch birds here, all the while I can see he is missing his son so much.  He recently said that he was so grateful to be at WISE and that while he may not go back to be a preacher one day, he will be a better father and able to lead His son to the Lord.

- Our students in our home Bible study shared their testimonies - they give up so much to come study from here.  Leaving jobs they won't have once they go back, family, familiar foods, and cultures.  And yet they write us letters and tell us constantly how thankful they are which makes us feel so blessed to be here.

- We recently went to an event with the students.  One of them declined to go.  Finding out later- he did not even have $1 and thought he would have to pay for the outing. We take so much for granted on spending a $1.

- Our littlest Greeley is getting dedicated this Sunday for baby dedication.  We picked 2 people to stand up with us as her prayer warrior and supporter.  One of our past students and now staff we have grown to love as an auntie is standing up with us.  Seeing her choke up and feel honored when we asked meant so much to see how well loved our kids are here.

- My kids love each other so much.  The 3 bigs help with the 2 littles, with chickens and dogs, with laundry, and with dishes. They love God and teach us so much.  We feel so blessed (and tired :) ) that God gave us all 5!

- My husband God gave me.  I recently celebrated my birthday - we always do simple gifts- letters to one another and a candy bar is tradition.  We started this in Haiti as it was all we could afford and now just cherish it.  My note this year on the envelope said - To my wife and mom of 7.  The fact that he acknowledged the 2 babies we lost to miscarriage ( 9 and 2 years ago) meant the world to me.  He loves me so well and helps in so many ways- the biggest right now doing the midnight bottle feed, so I can get some extra rest :)

Saturday, November 11, 2017

God Moment

    Groups coming means encouragement, so much work being done, a busy crazy time, and seeing old friends and making new ones.  This time week we had a really neat experience that we were able to see happen.  Often times we may hear from what others experience when they get back, but don't see the change firsthand.

    It can often seem when groups come that it is about work projects getting accomplished, and while that helps so much - it is much more than that.  This week because of a cancellation a brother came along with his family.  He had fallen away from the Lord and while here was immersed in life here.  He heard the students testimonies they shared one night.   Then, he
said he was having trouble finding a place to serve, so we mentioned the 2 bikes we had on campus were out of commission from so much student use (a chain was broke and a wheel had come off).  He fixed those and then wanted to purchase 4 more for the students ( Keep in mind things are so expensive here and a bike can run about $350 US).  His brother told us this was very out of character for him to do.  And then at the end of the week he shared a testimony of wanting to recommit himself to the Lord at the end of the week from all he had experienced!  We love seeing God work and seeing his kingdom grow!

We hit the Jackpot!

The chance of winning the lottery is 1 in 302.5 million The chance of making it to the Olympics is 1 in 1/2 a million.   The chance in havin...