Monday, December 9, 2019

Yesterday I was on my way to church, a bit hurried as usual.  I hung the laundry in my husband's old sandals and rushed the kids to the car, realizing the girl's dresses they had only been wearing for 20 minutes were stained from breakfast.  Guess the extra minute I was trying to save not putting on bibs, didn't actually save time after we quickly changed into clean dresses.  Do 2 and 3 year olds do anything quickly?   

And then we arrive at church, and I grab the bag for entertaining the kids in service (services here last a lot longer than the typical 1 hour services in the States).  And grab the girls out and look down at my feet...

I still had my husband's old sandals for church on.  Here people dress their best for church to wear their best they have for God.  This was definitely not my best or even my mediocre.  

 I panicked for a second, and then realized while I may get some weird stares, no one is gonna dislike me for my strange shoes.  We were all there to worship and fellowship.  So despite hurriedness, mistakes, and forgetfulness I hope you had a great day of worship, fellowship, and rest.  

(A fun pictures of our the future worship leaders in our church.)

We hit the Jackpot!

The chance of winning the lottery is 1 in 302.5 million The chance of making it to the Olympics is 1 in 1/2 a million.   The chance in havin...