Thursday, February 23, 2012

Life Before And Now

IF you missed our newsletter- here is a list we compiled of what life was like for us as youth ministers in Colorado compared to being in Haiti and now being in St. Vincent:

United States                                  Haiti                          St.Vincent

Driving- Seat belts, car seats          Taxi mopeds               Driving on opposite side of road;
                                                                                           vans 4 public transport

Greetings- “Hey, Hi, Hello”         “Bon jou, Bonswa”      “Good Morning, Good Afternoon,
                                                                                            and Good night” – very proper

People w/Churches- varies            full of worshippers     post God view, lots see no need for Him

Laundry- Washers, dryers            Mission had machines    Hang on the line

Landscape- All kinds                   Dusty, land stripped       Mostly Hills, Mountains

Water- out of faucet                    bottled                              boil water

Addresses- streets signs            no regular mail                  none-go by landmarks, such as we
                                                                                             live in ArnosVale, by BomBom,
                                                                                             upstairs of only 2 story home

Trash- pickup                           burn or toss on ground      bag & store waste food in freezer 4pickup

Weather- seasons                     Mostly hot                         Always warm- 80 degrees

Electricity- dependable            little                                  Different voltage

Waiting- fast pace                    slow pace                         long lines of waiting

Language- English                   Creole                              English & Vincentian Creole                   

Noise- Depends                                                               Honking & Airplanes- have to
                                                                                        stop  teaching for departures

Beaches- fun in the sand         filled with trash             black & white volcanic sand

Food-     variety                      rice, beans, goat            rice, beans, chicken, iguana

Our jobs- youth ministry         teaching                       teaching-directing-accounting

Gas- about $3.50 a gallon                                            close to $7 US a gallon      

Security- locks                     gated compound              barred windows, double iron doors

Neighbors- too busy             friendly                         share food & advice on raising your kids

This was just a small taste of what our family is experiencing as we transitioned to the States to Haiti and now here.

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