Mopping several times a week. But 4 kids playing and eating. Friends and neighbors visiting. Living in a dusty, tropical year round climate. It is a given the floors always need sweeping and are dirty.
I know feet are considered disgusting or as my kids say, "Gross" when I beg them to wipe mine off. My best friend from college was terrified of feet. We all loved teasing her by holding her down and tickling her feet. She would cry. And we would laugh. Don't worry, those were the college days I was mean.
I have heard the story from John 13 so many times of Jesus washing feet. And though ours are bad, feet then may have been even dirtier as many did not every wear shoes.
"He now showed them the full extent of His love."
He is about to give His life, the biggest gift of love ever shown. And before he does this he humbles himself completely. By washing dirty feet.
He began to wash his disciples feet, even Judas who the devil had already prompted to betray him.
Simon Peter said, "Not just my feet, but my hands and my head as well."
He is thinking only of himself! Jesus, the master and teacher, is taking the part of a servant. And yet, this is me too. I think only of myself. I wonder how I will get everything done today. Not thinking of how God equips me and has sent great staff to serve with us here. I grow grumpy from changing six stinky diapers a day and wiping bottoms. Not thanking Him for gifting us with another cousin to love. I long for close friends and family to talk with and not feel so lonely some days. And yet God has given a time of such easy and cheap communication to those loved ones far away.
Now that I have washed your feet, you also should wash one another's feet. I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you."
Forgive me....I need to love. To love the work you have given us to do for you. To love as you loved. To serve without selfish thoughts. Just love.
Here is my prayer for our kids this year and the students I teach to
"Learn to live a life of love, through the Spirit who dwells in us" Gal 5:25, Eph 5:2
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