Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Wedding Waiting

Our neighbor's son was getting married. He was marrying a lady from another country.  So, we had never met the bride.  They asked Naiyah to be the flower girl.  And since we had a dress from my brother's wedding this past year, we said yes to be in the wedding.  

It was enlightening.  The invitation said the wedding would start at 2.  It almost began at 4:00 :).  The reception was sat for 30 people, over 60 were there.  I was sweating (literally- it was very humid, of course) trying to figure out how to entertain 3 young ones while standing in a small reception room waiting several hours for food to be served.  Thankfully they were serving bottled sodas, which is a huge treat for my kiddos.  When they were served, they asked…"Wow, are these free?"  

Thankfully, those sodas occupied them for awhile!

Monday, August 18, 2014

Was it Friday the 13th? In a good way:)

You would have thought that this Friday was the 13th, not that I am superstitious.....but a lot of big things happened!

7:00 am My neighbor went into labor.  On the top of my bucket list has always been to be in a birth, other thank my own.  My sisters always deliver when I am not in the States and the other 2 I was supposed to be in, we were on furlough.  So, when my friend said I could go...I was excited!  Brice agreed to take our 3 to work and for the next 8 hours I got to support a friend as she labored to bring her sweet baby into this world!  Pictures to come as she is in special care at the hospital, pray for her to breathe well and come home soon, since she was early.  And if you want to know what it's like in a 3rd world hospital, write and I can share:)  It did make me very grateful for all the special care and cleanliness practices we have in the States for sure!

7:30 am our Brother John from the school baptized his uncle, whom he had been sharing his faith with!  Glenroy is now our new brother!

And then, at 12:00pm O'Malley passed on to heaven.  It's hard to comprehend one so young going so early.  Continue to pray for his family.  His funeral will be the Sunday after next.

And I am adding a photo of the retreat Brice and one of our Jamaican students went to.  It is the Caribbean retreat held every 2 years.  They both got to share and speak and recruit future students that week in Antigua.  We loved hearing one of our own students share how WISE is shaping him.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Immediate Prayers for O'Malley

     I know him from coming to Kids Club the last 3 years.  And I know his after spending a few afternoons at our house playing games.  And I know him as a neighbor kid always walking by.  We passed him last week in the road with him mom and he looked unwell.  He acted like he had no clue who we were.  I thought it was pre-teenager stuff, so did not say much.

Kids Club - he is the boy in the top right

     The, we find out 2 days later he got meningitis and when we saw it had already entered his brain and he no longer recognized anyone.  Right now, he is laying in the hospital on life support.  We're praying for a miracle- I have no clue if that will be his brain being declared alive again or if that miracle will be the strength his mom and 2 brothers need if he passes.  Will you pray for him and his family too?

Below are his 2 brothers Tyrese and CJ and his cousin Kareem

We hit the Jackpot!

The chance of winning the lottery is 1 in 302.5 million The chance of making it to the Olympics is 1 in 1/2 a million.   The chance in havin...