Sunday, November 22, 2015

Foreign Activities

     Even though we live overseas, I still want our children to have friends, be involved in different activities, and even do some of the same things we did as kids.  One of those I did was 4-H.  Yes, I am a country girl from Kansas.  But, I learned so much from cake decorating, public speaking classes, cooking, and sewing.

     So while at the store the other day, I saw some ladies next to a 4-H sign here in Barbados!  They asked if I had kids and would I like them to join.  We live way out in the country here....takes 20 min to get to nearest store and about an hour anywhere else.  So, hearing that the club meets a few minutes away...I was excited.

     I went to our first meeting, clearly remembering my club growing up- very organized, structured, lots of activities and kids. We got to the meeting at 4, and no one was there for the start time.  After a bit one family showed up, a 15 year old girl, and 2 grandma's.  The grandma's had been in it since they were young and apparently still were a part.  I asked the teen girl what she liked about 4-H and she said, "What's 4-H?"

    At 4:30 a lady came to lead the meeting and proceeded to take another 20 minutes to set up.  Then, she said the club needed officers, named a director, and ME as assistant!  In the next breath she was saying something about me leading the sheep, rabbits, jams and jellies class.  Looking at the time I realized I had to pick the boys up, so I quickly left.  Who knows what else I was signed up for after I was gone.  Sometimes I forget I'm not in Kansas anymore....

We hit the Jackpot!

The chance of winning the lottery is 1 in 302.5 million The chance of making it to the Olympics is 1 in 1/2 a million.   The chance in havin...