Sunday, April 12, 2015

Our Praise Baby

Man, it seems like such a journey....and only been several months.  Well, 8 months ago we started praying and trying for another baby when the adoption of the girls fell through.  I finally got pregnant and we were all so thrilled!  There were 3 months of morning sickness, which they all say is a great sign for a healthy baby. 

Here there are only 2 working ultrasound machines on the island and it can take 1-3 months to get an appointment for them.  I had made my appointment with an OBGYN this past week after Easter.  We went in so excited to see our baby and PRAISE we did get to see a beautiful perfect baby with hands and feet, but no heart beat.  Our doctor was amazing, prayed with us for a miracle and even got us in that day at the other ultrasound to check again.  Both had the same answer.

Here lately several have passed on at the hospital inaccurate amounts of anesthesia, and we just did not want to take that chance with my health, so we prayed the baby could pass naturally and I not have to be hospitalized for a few days as the doctor wanted.  Four days later, at our home....our baby passed on.  We were able to see the sweet baby with hands wrapped around his stomach and grieve.  We felt so grateful to God for allowing him to pass and us to be able to see him.  We also were so very thankful for friends who called and cared so much.  And we were so grateful to have fellow missionary partners who kept our other kids shielded and safe, cooked us many a meal, prayed with and for us. And huge PRAISE that as a doctor Dave could look at baby and placenta and make sure all had come and help us know what to expect and what we were seeing.  

We miss and long for our PRAISE baby, but so thankful each day God guides us and we have HIS comfort.


  1. Praying for your comfort, Amanda and Brice. Thanks for sharing even the difficult parts of your life. Amy Campbell

  2. So sorry for your loss. I am thankful the Lord has surrounded you with people such as Dave who can help in such a time of need.


We hit the Jackpot!

The chance of winning the lottery is 1 in 302.5 million The chance of making it to the Olympics is 1 in 1/2 a million.   The chance in havin...